How yoga can transform your body.. The 30 day challenge I highly recommend


Up the street from where I live there's a yoga studio selling a one month pass for an awesome price! I decided to try it, why not?

 I wanted to see results, so I made a commitment to attend a class every day.

I previously had an idea that all yoga-goers were slender, petite built bodies. It didn't take me long to realize however, that the physical profits are only one of the many advantages to practicing yoga regularly.

How yoga can transform your mind and body in one month

My advice for every beginner 

 Within the first 2 weeks I decided which of the classes I enjoyed most.

I got in the habit of booking a lunch flow class; a 50-minute session at noon. In this class, each day was taught by a different instructor.

It was refreshing because each instructors style of teaching is unique.

If you’re going to try yoga I recommend going to a variety of classes first, so you can know which you prefer. 


What I learned from yoga 

I had no idea beforehand how important the breathing component of yoga is.

Breathing deeply and in sync with posture changes should be your primary focus .

 If you go into yoga trying to achieve one thing, I believe leaving with a peaceful state of mind should be it.

The purpose of yoga is to connect the mind and body. Subconsciously we're always thinking and don't even notice it's happening to us.

Our mind can easily take control of our emotions if we let it, yoga changed that for me. 

In the beginning I struggled trying to stay focused, but after a week of consistent effort, my self-awareness was stronger.  


What my results were like

Better posture: a huge factor for deciding to practice yoga was to correct my poor back posture, and it did help. I naturally wanting to stand straighter.

More flexible: I quickly noticed an increase in my flexibility. Having better mobility can help elongate muscle growth, which explains why the slender look is the physique of most people who go to yoga consistently

Slimmer appearance: when it comes down actual weight lost, I honestly don't know, because I don't weigh myself.  However, stretching for an hour everyday did make a huge difference in the formation of my muscles growth, they appeared leaner and longer.

Clear state of mind: the spiritual benefits of daily practice is what I found the most satisfying. Yoga became an excellent source of stress relief in my life.


Which style of yoga I recommend

 Vinyasa; which means to flow.

This class is briefly held postures that move into other poses through each breath. I found Vinyasa to be engaging, and easier to follow along than other classes.

Ashtanga was the first class I tried. This hour and a half class was a little overwhelming for me. Especially if you are a beginner.

Hatha and Restorative classes I found to be more relaxing than anything else. I wouldn't suggest these classes if your intention is to break a sweat.


It’s proven that our bodies need to stretch regularly in order to function properly. Attending classes weekly is a fantastic way to stay healthy, mentally and physically.

Have you ever experimented with yoga for mental & physical gains!?!

Tell me what.your result were like?!