Ultimate guide to traveling the world with only a carry on suitcase


If you're like me... It's the night before your big trip somewhere, you've put off packing your stuff for some time, and now you're panicking.

Having a savvy strategy is key! 

Ultimate guide to traveling with only a carry on suitcase


Here are the tools you need to know that will make packing effortless. Prepare like an experienced nomad... 


#1 Be basic (and simple) with your outfit choices.

It’s good to visualize every outfit piece you pack being inter changeable with each other.

Every shirt should be able to pair with every bottom. Having versatile outfits will double your wardrobe options and make for more room in your suitcase.

TIP: Pick neutral bottoms like jeans & black denim.  It’s also a good idea to choose fabrics that travel well. Silk is a no-go. 


#2 Fill the inside of your hat

When packing a sun hat/baseball cap; fill inside with clothes or small products to keep the hats shape intact while minimizing the space it takes up as well.


#3 If it's not a HELL YAY, it's a NAY 

Look at everything you pack and if it's not a MUST and, if you don't see yourself using it EVERY DAY don't bring it! There's nothing worse than carrying around items you only used once or never at all. 

Tip: Leave items behind that will be available at your destination such as blow dryers, and towels. 


#4 Buy travel sized products 

The less you have the easier your traveling experience will be.

The golden rule: ONE suitcase, and ONE carry bag.

If you need another bag, you've packed too much and, should DEFINITELY reevaluate what's in your luggage.

Minimize bulky products by putting things in small travel containers such as: lotions, face creams, gels, powders and supplements (small resealable bags work great for compression) 

TIP: Carry toiletries in a BIG resealable bag to avoid any leakage issues.


#5 Keep your essential items at the top of your suitcase

Keep essential products and, a change of comfy clothes at the top of your suitcase for easy access. 

 Clean access will keep everything tidy, to avoid sorting through your nicely folded clothes.


#6 Create a list of items that you're likely to forget within the week prior to traveling

I always like to make a short list of things I know I might forget as I think of them I jot them down in my phone notes.

Before I finish packing I review the list to make sure I have it all. 

TIP: Think of the countries you are travelling to, does your passport need a visa? It’s good to check these requirements online beforehand. 

Does your flight have television? Downloading movies before the flight could be useful too. 

Here is 10 essentials you must have to survive a long flight, review so you don't forget any! 


#7 Leave extra space in your suitcase 

Are you planning on making purchases? Even if you don’t think so, plan for a little extra room for the unexpected.

TIP: Take a picture of your bags, if your suitcase is lost in transit... a picture will help airlines quickly identify it. 

#8 Store an extra outfit in your carry on 

Have a light change of clothes, basic toiletries in your carry on bag, JUST in case your checked baggage doesn't make it. 

I travel in my most comfy attire in case I might be wearing it longer than I expected. 


#9 Pack a travel blanket 

I find a sarong is one of the most versatile items in my bag good for a beach towel and blanket on the plane or bus, it’s super lightweight and takes up minimal room.


Here is a direct link to a video I created showing How to travel the world with a carry on. 


#10 Compression bags 

Sometimes the problem isn't that you've over-packed, it's that your clothing takes up soooo much damn space!

Compression bags help solve this issue by squeezing out all the extra air in-between making it SUPER compact. 


Now you know how to pack like a pro, but I take no responsibly for your style or fashion sense! 

However, if you struggle trying to decide what wardrobe to pack, you will definitely benefit from this post about the best outfits for warm climate destinations.